Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mel On..."Sunday Sick"

Several people have e-mailed me this past week and asked me if I was still training and/or still alive.  FYI, love that fact that people are looking out for me.  The answer is, YES.  Yes, I am somewhat alive and somewhat training....

Actually, if I am being honest I have not physically ran since last week but I have been mentally running my little butt off (utilizing all my visualization techniques...woot woot) since I have been locked up at home with a miserable cold for the past few days.

And I'm not just talking my typical "Sunday sick" (my husband swears I feign a fake illness every Sunday, since all we do is laze on the couch and catch up on family time, he thinks because that is the one day I don't so anything active that I trick my mind into believing I am sick to justify my laziness...he may have a point, but I will not concede that in person...anyway, back on track...).  I'm talking about REAL sick, the kind of sick where people take one look at you and respond with "ooooohhhh, sick, huh?" -  "you okay?" -  "it's going around" - or my favorite - "poor thing!"

The kind of sick that actually makes me want to call the clinic and make an appointment and/or take actual medicine and not my hippy dippy tea and honey and Vitamin C concoctions I usually swear by.  The kind of sick where your tonsils are swollen three times their size, it hurts to swallow, your head feels like it is splitting, your hot one minute and cold the next, you have snot constantly dripping down your nose, your breathing has turned into wheezing, and you are so physically drained you can't pull yourself out of bed without some sort of assistance sick.  That sick.

So needless to say, it's been a hot mess around here this past week.  I will have to give it to my husband though, he is taking very good care of me and the kids since I've been out of commission (I can honestly admit I am not the easiest person to deal with when I am sick, no comments necessary).

He also told me that if I had to cancel Athens because I was sick he would understand completely (did I mention the Alabama vs. LSU game is the night before my marathon?). Someone just got all his brownie points taken away. 

Nothing is going to make me miss this marathon, no real sickness or Sunday sickness or any other sickness..OR A FOOTBALL least that is what I keep telling to find some more Kleenex....

1 comment:

  1. Take care of your self. Everything in God's time...I know how much this means to you...I do not want to have to fly to Germany to visit you in the hospital. :) Relax breath and and know this too shall pass. Hang in there sweetie, I love you, wish I were there.
